Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Bathroom Bill

   People in our society today are becoming more accustomed to people around them having different sexual orientations. It seems though that not everyone is taking it too well. Some people cannot wrap their head around someone of one sex wanting to be the opposite sex, or even just feeling that they are in the wrong type of body. 

   Rob Anders is a “Canadian politician [that] is a member of the Conservative Party of Canada and has represented the riding of Calgary West since 1997” (Wikipedia, 2012). He also seems to be one of the few in Canada that does not fully grasp what it is like to be transgendered. He just views it as a perverted way of life. He is not the only one to bring up this bill as a bad idea though, "Conservative MP Dean Allison said that creating a right to gender identity and gender expression would open a door to sexual predators and allow men access to girls’ washrooms" (Cross, 2012).

   Right now Rob Anders is trying to get Canadians to vote no on the transgender rights Bill C-279, also known as the “Bathroom bill” (Cross, 2012). The aim of this bill is to allow transgendered men to use female washroom facilities. I believe that this could go either way. Some men could take advantage of this and use the women’s washroom facilities, even if they are not trans gendered, for their own sick personal reasons. Jan Buterman, a transgender advocate has been outraged at Anders attempts to get this bill to not happen and has said “[t]rans people have been using bathrooms all over Canada for decades with, as far as I know, zero evidence of any incidents whatsoever” (Cross, 2012). Anders if fighting so hard in opposition of this bill because "he said it’s the duty of the House of Commons to protect children from any exposure or harm that will come from giving men this kind of access" (CBCnews, 2012). Although this may be the situation in some cases it is not the situation in all cases. This is a step in the wrong direction for the transgendered community if the bill does not get passed (Mottet, 2003).

   People, especially politicians need to broaden their horizens and open up their hearts and realize that just because someone is different it does not mean that they are sick in the mind or perverted. There is no way of knowing exactly how many transgendered people there are in Canada but Rob Anders believes that they make "up less than one per cent of the population..[which] would be fewer than 350,000 people" (Page, 2012). If this is the case then they are a minority and he might feel that since their is so few of them there is no real need to try and accommodate to them.

   No matter what his reasoning is, I believe that it is wrong what he is doing and I think that he should not be allowed to work as an MP if he is not open to different people and can not accept that there are people with different sexual orientations and that live different lifestyles then he does.

Works Cited

Cross, A. (2012, October 4). MP Rob Anders takes aim at transgender rights 'bathroom bill' proposal. National Post. Retrieved January 2, 2013, from

Mottet, L. (2003). Access to Gender-Appropriate Bathrooms: A Frustrating Diversion on the Path to Transgender Equality. Georgetown Journal Of Gender & The Law4(2), 739-746.

MP Rob Anders criticized over 'bathroom bill' comments. (2012, October 4). CBC. Retrieved January 2, 2013, from

Page, J. (2012, October 15). How Many Transgender People Are in Canada?. The Gazette (Montreal). Retrieved January 2, 2013, from

- Alexandra B


  1. Wow, this is sensitive topic, I am glad it was one of your choices. It is interesting to see the difference in political parties. The conservative party does not want to allow this bill to pass, for many reasons including the fact that people could take advantage of this and use a female or a male washroom for their own personal reasons. I wonder if the social democratic would accept this bill because of their equality agenda. It is a very difficult decision; you must take into account people right from a transgender perspective as well as an individual perspective. Would you find it uncomfortable having a male that looks female, going to the washroom in the stall next to you? Or vise versa a female dressed as a male going into the male restroom? Allowing this bill to pass does it in fact go against people rights or is it for people’s right? It’s an extremely fine line that is being presented and I am not sure how this bill will pass with so many unanswered questions and ethical dilemma that could be present. I am curious to see what will come of this. Thank you for making me aware of this issue.

    Christine- Timmins

  2. Thanks for writing on such a controversial topic. The reasons that this MP wants to ban this bill are totally based on social prejudices and incorrect ones at that. Firstly, just because someone is trans-gendered,doesn't mean that they are mentally ill or have sexual predatory behaviors. Secondly, this politician assumes that all men like to prey on young girls which is ridiculous. It is far from true and it attacks men because women are just as likely to be sexual predators. I think that people need to become far more educated on topics related to LGBTQQ communities. They need to see that regardless of people's sexual orientation, what body they live their lives in and what gender they choose to identify as they are still people. I think that this bill should be passed and transgendered men and women should be able to use what ever bathroom they wish to.
    -Morgan (Disabilities)

  3. A very interesting topic! There are many different ideas and thoughts around this issue, and I am gald that I was able to read this post. I am not even sure where I should begin with my comment. I am a person who believes in the rights of all people, and understand that every person is entitled to be themselves - no matter what that looks like, without being judged.

    I agree that transgendered individuals should be able to use which ever washroom they wish to use. Everyone wants equality, and for some people equality is unfortunately not always given or felt.

    However, I do agree that some men or women may use the washroom of the opposite sex for their own pleasure. As much as I do not want to agree with this, there are some people in this world who suffer from serious mental health issues - some of which may be out of their control, as much as they do not want to harm others.

    I feel like this is a topic that can be looked at and agreed upon in both ways by many different people. It will be interesting to hear what happens with this.

    Thanks for the post!

    Meagan (LGBT Group)

  4. This is a very controversial topic. I first off wanted to say, that from my experiences those who are transgendered only feel comfortable using washrooms that are for both genders, or family washrooms. Which i have to say is not an easy task to find. But they do it this way they don't have to be verbally assaulted or confronted on why they are using a certain bathroom. While in college we did an activity to see how many bathrooms in the school that were not gender specific, we found none. Imagine how it would feel to have to go to the bathroom but not to feel comfortable using any of them. I know someone who used to go home at lunch to go to the bathroom so that this didn't happen. I feel that the transgendered community is being discriminated because people are poorly educated and are quick to judge those with different sexual orientations then they do. I believe that the MP wants to ban this bill based on their own or others prejudices and untrue facts. I feel that everyone should be able to use the bathroom in which they feel most comfortable using. On the other hand I also feel that there is a chance that people could take advantage of this due to mental health issues, but could happen at any location, not just the woman's bathroom because those who identify as transgendered are able to use it.

    Alysha (LGBT)

  5. Wow. I had never really given this much thought until now, and I would agree with Alysha that I'd imagine a both sex washroom, like a "family" washroom would probably be the most comfortable. However, I find it very alarming that there is no room for negotiation and that sex offending is brought up. If someone mentioned to me personally that trans individuals used the washrooms corresponding with the gender they identify as I would be like "great", never would sex offending come to mind. It's a power argument and clearly quite the controversy but I feel after reading this that the trans community is now labelled as "perverts" which to me is really sad. They do not need any more labels or anymore barriers in society. I'd like to do more research on this myself as you have peaked my interest. Great job.


  6. This topic is very interesting and I'm glad you made a post about it. I'm not completely knowledgeable on trans gender and transsexual people, which is why this is such an interesting topic. However, for the most part I find that most of the men who transition into womanhood do it because they feel like they're the wrong gender, and being a woman makes them feel happy about themselves. I believe people should use the bathroom that fits their gender, and that's the ladies bathroom for transsexual men. They are in no way more or less perverted than any other people, and there is really no issue here. People like to make mountains out of molehills, and they do not need to be given a harder time than they already have.

    -Spencer (poverty group)

  7. When I was in high school in Grade 11 psychology, being transgender was considered a labelling of a mental disorder. I do not personally agree with that statement, as it no form of medication can provide a cure. It is something that someone personally believes they are, it is a part of who they are and I don’t see anything wrong with it.

    It disgusts me that there are members of parliament who are supposed to be leading our country for the people in a positive and helpful way view something that cannot be helped as repulsive. This in itself is wrong because they have not experienced what it is like to be transgendered. Transgendered people face every day various forms of discrimination. These are people with some of the highest risks of depression leading to suicide, and it is not surprising why.

    The Bathroom Bill, as I have read, is trying to pass the allowance of transgendered men to use female bathroom facilities. This is both uncomfortable and can be taken with suspicion. Transgendered people should not have to announce that they are so, and even if they did, women using the women’s washroom might view it as repulsive, or a way for men to cover up their own sick pleasures. And also, what about transgendered women and male washrooms? I agree completely agree that Rob Anders is a disgraceful MP and should not be working in parliament if he is not accepting of all Canadian people as equals.

    However, in some cases I do not understand the issues with washrooms. Men and women will use each other’s washrooms if none are available otherwise. There are areas in the world that have co-ed washrooms. As long as there is a closed stall that can be locked and only opened from the inside, and security cameras outside the washrooms, it could be an issue in some cases that could be avoided.

    - Kara (poverty group)

  8. I couldn’t imagine being someone who has to deal with so many discriminatory things throughout their lives. It is hard to believe that a simple thing like using the bathroom is such a huge issue. You bring up a good point about if someone were to harm another person in the bathroom. If they really want to they will do this anyway a sign on the door is not a barrier that no one can cross. This being true why can’t we make an effort to make someone more comfortable with who they are? So many people fight against these matters and they will never know what a trans person actually goes through. I want this bill to pass; equal rights for every human being should be the goal.


