Friday, November 16, 2012

Same Sex Couples and Adoption

When you look at this picture, what are your thoughts and feelings? 

Many people agree with same sex couples adopting children, while many people still disagree. 

Personally, I support this.  I don't understand why people would think that this is wrong...I believe that same sex couples adopting children is wonderful.  As long as a child is growing up in a positive and non abusive environment, why should it matter if the child has two moms, or two dads?

When doing research on this topic I read some very positive words, however I also came across some very negative words.  I came across a news atricle that stated that "today, same sex families are among the fastest growing demographics in the country" (N.A, CBC News, 2012).  According to Ross et. all (2009) Canada was the fourth country in the world that made same sex marriages legal, and is a very supportive country in regards to LGBT people and LBGT families.  

Even though the idea of same sex marriages, and these couples adopting children is more accepted than it was a few years ago, these couples still feel like they face discrimination.  One couple from this particular news article said that "there's no doubt in either of their minds that their children will grow up as strong, well-rounded individuals, but they admit that watching the judgment of some strangers inflicted on their son and daughter is heartbreaking" (N.A, CBC News, 2012).  They also went on to explain that they were teaching their son how to handle people who say hurtful things towards him and his parents.  It saddens me that these parents even have to teach their young son this sort of stuff - it's too bad this cannot be accepted by everyone.

Although these couples will sometimes be faced with discrimination, much progress has been made over the years. While doing my research, I read that in "1973, children with "homosexual tendencies" were put in foster homes with gay parents" (Bozett, 1987).  I feel like this is wrong on two levels.  First, how could they judge a child and assume that a child was going to be gay?  Secondly, if they only gave children who showed "homosexual tendencies" to gay couples, they are basically saying that these couples are not allowed to raise a child who is "straight" in case this child "turned out" to be gay.

These changes may be due to some social policies that we have learned throughout our teachings this semester.  In a particular lesson we focused on Feminist Theory and familialism.  We learned that society sees the "normal" family as a nuclear family - a mother, a father, and children (Straka, personal communication, 2012).  Historically, men were the head of the house; the breadwinners, while females were the family caregivers; the breadmakers (Straka, personal communication, 2012).  However this is not the case anymore.  Many single mothers work and raise their children alone.  Gay people are now allowed to get married and adopt children.  Equality of men and women is still not "equal" however much change has been made.  Everyone has rights, and deserves to be treated equally without discrimination.

Even though same sex couples are still going to see some discrimination, I am happy to see that many changes have been made - even within the last decade.  These couples can live their life in ways that they once thought would never happen - getting married and having children.  Hopefully more positive changes and less discrimination will occur for same sex couples and their families very soon.  Everyone deserves to be themselves, and be happy in this life!


Bozett, F. (1987). Gay and lesbian parents. Greenwood Press, Inc: USA

N.A. (2012). Swell of same-sex families ushering in 'the new normal'. CBC News. Retrieved from:

Ross, L., Epstein, R., Anderson, S., & Eady, A. (2009). Policy, practice, and personal narratives: experiences of LGBTQ people with adoption in ontario, canada. AdoptionQuarterly, 12: 272-293. DOI: 10.1080/10926750903313302

Straka, S. (2012). Personal communication. Feminist Approaches to Social Policy 


  1. I strongly support both gay marriage and a gay couples right to adoption. It's sad the views others might have on this.. There is many children that need adoption and a good home. If these couples are good parents it shouldn't matter and I believe there would be more adoptions.


  2. Enjoyed your blog Meagan. I agree with your post. The number one priority is for the welfare of a child. If same sex couples are positive role models for the child then why shouldn't they be allowed to adopt. Only continuing education and understanding will change society's view about this issue.

    Jen M

  3. I think this topic is great! The idea of a child being adopted by two loving adults, and welcomed into their home, their family and their lives, where they will be be loved, nourished and wanted is a beautiful thing. To then turn around and make presumptuous comments that two people of the same sex cannot offer these ideals is a radical idea that is so wrong.II think nit is wonderful to see the idea of family widen and become more accepting to families of all make-ups and varieties.

    -Larissa C

  4. Good Post Meag!!! I really agree with you on this one. I strongly support gay marriage and the right to be able to adopt children. I feel that if the child is coming into a positive environment with a loving family, that why should it matter what sexual orientation the parents have. There are many children who are need a good home and a good family, so why not give them the opportunity to have a happy and healthy life. Two parents of the same sex are just as capable of raising a happy, healthy, educated and strong child. I fel that more children would have the chance and opportunity of adoption if it was more accepted for same sex couples to adpot. We need to be dducating others that the concept of what a "family" is has changed, and continues to widen.

    Alysha (LGBT group)

  5. I don't believe that same-sex marriage is a bad thing and it shouldn't be seen as a bad or unnormal thing at all. Sexuality is something that we percieve about ourselves and try to understand. Part of a family is to have children and there are many children in adoption homes looking for great families. So why discriminate against a normal family. Two adults inlove who want a child, but the child more importantly needs them. Why stop that from happening? Children in adpotion homes dont want to live there for the rest of their lives.

  6. I do not understand why this should be such a controversial topic. Every couple goes through hardships, same sex or not. If anything a same sex couple might even be more beneficial. A child with same sex parents would grow up feeling comfortable with it and if they felt that they were interested in the same sex then they might feel more comfortable coming out to their parents and more open minded to people who might be perceived as different. I think anyone who is emotionally able to adopt should be able to adopt.

    - Alexandra

  7. Same sex adoption has been a struggle for many years. I just can’t seem to understand why. If a child is going to a loving family that will care for them and treat them well then why is there a question of the parent’s sexuality. How does this have anything to do with them being able to be parents? In my eyes it doesn’t and I’m happy to see that others are beginning to see this. I’m very glad that you brought this topic up and I can see how passionate you are about this.


