Friday, November 16, 2012

It Gets Better Project!!!


“The It Gets Better Project is an international support network for LGBT youth and is endorsed by politicians, celebrities and other teens” (CBC News, 2012). The It Gets Better Project has a pledge that states: “Everyone deserves to be respected for who they are. I pledge to spread this message to my friends, family and neighbors. I'll speak up against hate and intolerance whenever I see it, at school and at work. I'll provide hope for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other bullied teens by letting them know that it gets better”(It Gets better Project, 2012). If everyone took a stand and stood up for those being verbally or physically bullied for their sexual orientation a change can be made. It empowers the youth to stand up for themselves, and gives them advice and knowledge of what to expect not only in their present but in their future. It teaches them that eventually things will get better and that after the hump of high school, life actually happens.

If everyone continues to come together to be advocates for the lgbt community as well as stand beside those you know who are part of that sexual orientation, the more everyone will be inspired to open up and tell their story. Everyone has a different story to tell, but each are just as important. It doesn’t matter your background, your race or your profession. The “B.C. RCMP who are members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community are featured in a new video created to inspire others who may have faced struggles growing up as LGBT Canadians”(CBC News, 2012). It helps build and establish a bridge of understanding for the youth who are dealing with stigma on a day to day basis.

It has everyone coming together and supporting each other. This is an amazing thing for Canada to be doing together "The project's website has over 50,000 user-created videos of people sharing their stories with positive messages”(CBC News, 2012). Their individual stories are very different but the messages are personal, powerful and inspiring. This website can help, change and save lives of those young and old. It can also give hope for those teens struggling with their sexual orientation, and the anxieties of coming out.With people sharing their stories it can empower those struggling with their own stories “In the RCMP's version, each Mountie tells his or her own story about being bullied as a youth and the struggles of coming out to their families” (CBC News, 2012).

Each of the participants tell moving and candid stories of their doubts, fears, and struggles, and their eventual joy of knowing that life, indeed, does get better. This website also offers a large amount of videos that people have taken the time to make, to let everyone know they are here for them. This allows them to learn that there are always people to talk to and that there are many supports out there that they can take advantage of.

When taking a look through an ideological lens, and you take a look at the feminine view you can see that this is not only for woman. It speaks about gender imbalances. In regards to voice, education it shows that it should be equal and all no matter the sex should have equal opportunities and should be treated as equals. The there should be an end to discrimination and realize that in this day and age people men or woman can consider themselves as equal to men. Empowerment is important because it can help everyone to come together and as for social workers who participate in community based work the empowerment perspective can be an important conceptual foundation and is one of the most useful when used this way. Empowerment helps those work past barriers that they may have and help them rise above them and to also allow them to look through a different lens. This is not only designed to develop community based relationships but has influence influenced public institutions, agencies, unions, corporations, etc. Social activism is also very important. We need to be part of change to make change happen. Change is not something that all people enjoy, but with awareness and help, change can happen for positive reasons. People have to stand up for what they believe in and their rights. A good example of social activism would be a strike. People are standing up for themselves and their needs and will try to make a change happen.


On the other hand on the social democratic view focuses on the advocacy of equality and social rights. Social rights is the right to education, the right to housing, the right to have adequate standard of living. They believe that everyone should have their basic needs met so that everyone has a fair chance. They fight for everyone to have a right, as well as opportunity. We want to develop programs, change policies, and maintain funding to maintain partnerships not only with the funders but also the community members. We want to support and advocate the community members as best we can. We need to continue updating resources, programming, and education to continue to do so, and with equality there is a better chance for this to happen and be successful.

I believe that this fits directly with the "it gets better project" because they are trying to come together as one to promote awareness and educate people on the LGBT community. The are coming together to make change. The are forgetting what sexual orientation is, and letting people tell their story of the struggles and hardships each and every person has been through. It is not only eompowering but it is inspirational. The people who are trying to change stimgas, will make positive change, and possibly even save lives of those who are sturggling sliently through the same issues. It shows you that someone from any walk of life, race, sex, colour, religion can be part of the LGBT community and that they should be accepted for who they are and that they should stand up and be proud of who they are.




CBC News. "RCMP in video tell gay youth 'It Gets Better”. N.p., 6, Nov. 2012. Web. 10 Nov. 2012.


Craig, S., Dentato, M., & Smith, M. (2010). The Vital Role of Social Workers in Community Partnerships: The Alliance for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Youth. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 27 (5): 323-334. DOI 10.1007/s10560-010-0210-0

“It gets better project” Savage Love, LLC. 2012. Web. 11 Nov. 20120. <>.


  1. Good job! It's nice to see a post with a positive message, since many of the information we usually end up finding is as a result of negative policies. I have seen some of the celebrity "It Gets Better" ads and they were really moving. Its good to see that people from all walks of life are showing advocacy for those who may be going through a difficult period in their life. Also, I think these messages can be so much more effective when someone from the LGBTTQ community creates a video and talks about their struggles and how they overcame them. This initiative is one of the best in terms of empowerment; it's helping erase the stigmas still surrounding the LGBTTQ community. Being a youth is hard enough sometimes, but being bullied because of your orientation is unacceptable. So good job informing us about the project and how it can help!


  2. Love it! A positive message to help those struggling with their identity. Being gay is not the problem, a lack of education and awareness is the problem. Such a widespread message will hopefully get through to LGBT youth as well as non identifying people that could take being educated and have a higher awareness of the issues, feelings and people behind the terms.

    Larissa C

  3. This is a great post. I never knew about this before reading this post. I think it is so wonderful what this movement is promoting. I think it should be promoted and exposed more to the media and to our society so that more people can see these videos and realize that no matter what you are going through it will get better.

  4. Wow! I think that this is a great project, and this could really make the difference that the world needs to change the opinions of many. It's great to be promoted even if it's only with our class or others who read this blog. It's that little uplift that not only the LGBT community may need but all people who are struggling during the day. Thanks for this post!

    - Elysha

  5. The “It Gets Better” program is truly inspirational. I have always said that having someone who is in the public eye or part of a large corporation come out can be huge for people struggling with coming out. As you probably know because of a previous blog that I wrote I work at TD Canada Trust. I’m very proud to work their because of their encouraging diversity and supports for the LGBT community. TD came out with an “It Gets Better” video involving people who have struggled and overcome those struggles. This was extremely important to my branch because my manager identifies as gay and it was so powerful to see how proud that made him to work at TD. This is such an amazing program, thank you for writing about it.


