Friday, November 2, 2012

Boy Scouts of America Vs. LGBTTTIQ Community-revised

The LGBTTTIQ community has gone through some many struggles and has come a long way but, still have much farther to go.  They have had to deal with discrimination in almost every aspect of their lives from marriages to now boy scouts.  That’s right, boy scouts have a policy of “not granting membership to open or avowed homosexuals.” (CNN Wire Staff, 2012, p.1).  This ideology seeds from the boy scout promise “to do his duty to god and to be morally straight as well as to be clean in his thoughts, words and deeds” (Griffin, 2006, p. 6).   Does this mean the Boy Scouts of America think that people who identify as gay are not “morally straight” or unclean? The case of James Dale tells a story of the discrimination's an adult has to go through attempting to help others and stand up for what he believes in.  This is difficult for an adult to go through can you imagine how difficult it would be for a youth struggling within himself as well.  Ryan Andresen is one of the stronger youth who was also discriminated against for being himself (CNN Wire Staff, 2012, p.1).  The long fight for nondiscriminatory practices is, unfortunately, an ongoing battle for the LGBTTTIQ community.

James Dale went through scouts beginning when he was eight years old (Griffin, 2006).  He attained the rank of an eagle scout and later applied for an adult membership to become a leader (Griffin, 2006).  He seemed to be a promising member and a role model for other children and youth.  Shortly after he became an assistant scout master he was sent a letter asking him to revoke his membership all because he was openly supporting the needs of gay/lesbian youth( Griffin, 2006).   He was not granted the right to defend himself at the hearing because the Boys Scouts of America (BSA) “does not admit avowed homosexuals to membership in the organization” (CNN, 2012, p. 1).  James was granted all of these badges and memberships as the person he was until, the BSA found out that he identified as gay. How can you someone change their mind because of a sexual preference?   This seems severely discouraging for not only people who want to help and volunteer for scouts but also to the children and youth who may identify as gay.
Ryan Andresen is a prime example of how this is effecting youth from doing something that they love.  Ryan was weeks away from becoming an eagle scout, when his scout master sat down with his father and told him he would not be able to (CNN, 2012).  He is not able to because of the policy, a policy that forces children and youth to go without a great experience all because of their sexual orientation.  When I write that down it doesn’t even make sense, how can someone discriminate because of who you are.  Ryan did an incredible project to stop bullying; he went back to his middle school and had the school draw something nice and anti-bullying (CNN, 2012). This seems very symbolic for me because he goes out to create this wonderful inspirational wall to prevent bullying and yet he is being bullied by BSA, the people that he is doing the project for (CNN, 2012).

This policy was re-affirmed in July of 2012.  The message that this seems to be passing to some youth struggling with their sexual identity is that it is not okay that you identify as gay. According to Griffin “Each year, the boy scouts provide stability, discipline, and community to hundreds of thousands of youth, helping them become successful adults” (2006, p. 11).  How can they hold up to this if they do not show that everyone is equal and everyone should be included? 

 The views of this policy stem from the neo-conservative ideologies.  The neo-conservative beliefs are in favour of heterosexual marriage and negatively promote same-sex marriage (Smith, 2001).  Neo-conservative views seem to not promote equality, instead inequality, not allowing gay and lesbian people to have the same rights not only in marriage but also in health benefits of same sex couples (Smith, 2001).  This is directly associated with the Boy Scouts and the equal rights of these young men.  This is a social policy that needs to be re-examined for James Dale, Ryan Anderson, and any other human being in the world that identifies with the LGBTTTIQ community.



CNN Wire Staff. (2012). Boy Scout Leadership affirms policy of excluding ‘open and avowed’ gays.            
Retrieved October 29, 2012 from

Griffin, S. (2006).  The Modern American:  Leave Those Kids Alone: Why the First Amendment Does Not Protect the Boy Scouts of America In Its Discrimination Against Gay Youth Members. 2, 6-11.

N/A (2012, October 23).  Gay Teen Fights for Eagle Scout Rank [Television broadcast]. CNN.

Smith, A., 2001. The Politicization of Marriage in Contemporary American Public Policy: The Defense of Marriage Act and the Personal Responsibility Act. Citizenship Studies, 5 (3), 303-320.


  1. I can personally not believe what is happening. The mission of a boy scout is stability, and community but yet when one of their own boy scouts is gay, they turn against him, revoke his boy scouts awards and shut him out of his community. This is so wrong because they are going against their own mission. I also could not believe that when they found out Ryan was gay they completely turned their opinion on him even though at one point in time he was a promising member, and considered a role model. There are many things not right with this and yet there is not much being done about it.

    -Kahli (Physical Disabilities Group)

  2. This blog shocked me. I cannot believe there is an actually "policy" regarding sexual preferences in this day and age. A person sexual preferences is not different that the color of someone's eyes. How can you discriminate against someone for what they are? I guess I have always been so open to the subject and don't really see what the issue is. If anything, his struggles, experience and life attitude would make him an asset to an environment such as the boy scouts. I find it so disheartening that this is the message that we are sending to young kids. To say that this policy should be changed is an understatement. It should be abolished, as it is disgraceful.


  3. I still find this disturbing even though I have heard similar stories before. Lack of awareness and education on LGBT issues discriminates against so many amazing and brilliant individuals from sharing their experiences and knowledge with others. we will be a better place when all of our members can shine in their own unique and gifted way.

  4. After viewing the video and reading this blog, I feel very sad. I cannot imagine how "let down" this boy must feel. He has been turned away from doing something that he loves and seems to be very passionate about all because he is gay. This doesn't make sense to me. Do people think that gay people cannot be a positive role model?

    Many people face a lack of experience, awareness and knowledge about the LGBTTTIQ community, and I hope one day there will be more positive changes for the better of this community.

    I have friends and family members who face all sorts of discrimination on a regular basis, and my heart goes out to them.

    Meagan (LGBT Group)

  5. I cannot even believe that. I fully agree with you. How can any organization say that they support equality or help anyone grow into successful adults when all they are doing is showing their members that not everyone is equal. Plus they are actually teaching the youth who can be include as members bullying because the leaders of such are bullying the LGBTTQ community, who have enough strugles as it is. I also agree with the fact that it involves lack of awareness...but hopefully by these youth speaking out changes will be made.


  6. I still cannot believe how horrific the LGBT community continues to get treated. After watching the video, and reading this blog, I feel an array of emotions. I cannot imagine the way this young man was feeling after he is told his membership that he has had since he was 8, is now revoked. Since he started with the boy scouts, he has put so much time and effort, and since he was a promising member he was applying to take on the leader role. He was discriminated against not only because he was supporting gay youth, but because he was doing it openly. With that being said he was no longer considered a role model, when he used to be a perfect example of what a boy scout should be. Personally, I would want him working within our section because having such an open mind would be a benefit and could help many kids & youth throughout their journey. It would give the opportunity teach those who aren't familiar with the LGBT community education about it, as well as support those who need it.

    Alysha (LGBT)

  7. This honestly made me mad. It seems as if some people will do everything they can in order to dominate one group of people. This boy (and I'm sure many more like him) have devoted their lives to something they truly believe in, only to be basically back-stabbed based on something out of their control. It seems like every step forward the LGBT group makes, organizations (and the people who run them) make bogus decisions that set them 2 steps back. I seriously applaud this boy for even coming forward as it is unfortunate many are too scared to do so. I honestly don't understand how some people define others by their orientation. There are so many people who have done horrible things, yet if they're 'straight', it's never mentioned or factored in, yet if someone who is a genuinely good person does something GOOD, and are gay, they are still looked down upon. I hope James continues to speak out and gives courage to others to do the same.


  8. After reading this blog and watching this video, I felt very disappointed. I am disappointed because I like to believe that society is better than this. However, as much as I want to believe that; there will always be some type of oppression happening. I really do hope we as advocates and social workers can use this as an example and fight with/for those who are being discriminated against. We should be empowering individuals to make a difference in society just as this young boy is.
    - Alexandra

  9. This disgusts me. This young man should be encouraged and empowered. He seems like a very positive role model for other boy scouts. Instead he is being excluded and oppressed on account of his sexuality. I can't imagine how he must feel, as this organisation has played such a significant role in his life. It's as if he, as an individual who seems to be loved and respected for who he is, was replaced by a label and discarded. I don't understand how this is acceptable in anyone's mind. It's sad that we live in a world that makes it so difficult for people to be comfortable with all aspects of self.

    - Kayla T.

  10. I have always been very open to the idea of the LGBTQ community and I think everyone should be because they are no different than anyone else. They are still human beings that have feelings and dreams, why should their sexual orientation have anything to do with whether or not they receive an award. Last I checked your sexual orientation doesn't have anything to do with how smart you are or how qualified you are. So if someone has all the qualification let them have the award being gay shouldn't be considered a bad thing.
    I really feel for the LGBTQ community I honestly can't imagine how hard things must get at times.


  11. After reading this blog and watching the video, this upset me very much that discrimination like this is going on. Sexual orientation is something that should not matter in a case like this. It is very upsetting that James had to go through it and that there are probably more that haven't been brought to the public.

    - Alyssa
