Friday, December 7, 2012

Morman Church and the LGBT Community

     Different religions have had big problems with the LGBT community for quite some time now, and it does not look like it is going to change any time soon. One church in particular though is taking one step in the right direction at least. "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today launched a new website aimed at providing “greater sensitivity and better understanding” among Latter-day Saints with regards to same-sex attraction" (Walker, 2012). The site,, reads “Love One Another: A Discussion on Same-Sex Attraction” on it's home page.

     The main focus of the website is to make people aware that it is not a sin to be attracted to someone of the same sex but it is a sin to act on it. The morman community wants the LGBT morman community to know that although they have these attractions if they do not act on them the church still wants them to be a part of their community. There have been many people diagnosed with depression and many people that have committed suicide and so this website was created to try and help them feel more comfortable with being open with their church community. "Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the church’s Quorum of the Twelve Apostles says in a video on the site. “I think that’s what God is saying: stay with me. And I think that’s what we want to say in the church: Stay with us, and let’s work together in friendship and commonality and brotherhood and sisterhood"" (Ring, 2012). The website states that "[t]he site offers a place where the people whose lives are impacted by attraction to the same sex can find inspiration to work through difficult challenges while remaining faithful to Church teachings" (, 2012).
     The website; talks about where the church stands on the topic, has numerous videos talking about the topic encouraging people that it is okay to have these attractions in hopes "to bridge the gap in human understanding, respect and acceptance of differences" (Ring, 2012). There are also numerous videos of people sharing their personal stories and experiences with the mormon community and being attracted to the same sex. The website seems to be very encouraging and informative not only for the LGBT community within the Mormon community but the LGBT community outside of it and for the straight community.
      Although this a step in the right direction not everyone in the Mormon church feels the same way, and not everyone in the LGBT community feels the same way either. Many gay Mormon's still feel shunned for what they feel (Sinor, 2011). Although they are being told that what they are feeling is ok, they are being told not to act on it and to basically just live a life alone because their happiness should come second to doing as God would want. I do not believe that this is an ok way to make someone live.
     Some people have to go through extensive therapy because of all the trauma they have gone through trying to be accepted in the mormon community. Members of the LGBT community face much abuse, including religious abuse. Whether the abuse is intentional or not it is still considered abuse (Super, 2011). Making someone feel bad about how they are is wrong.
      In my opinion neither having feelings for the opposite sex or acting on it should be considered a sin. If someone chooses to act on their feelings, as long as it is not physically or mentally hurting another human being, then it should not be anyone's business to tell them what they can or cannot do. Although there are good intentions in the creation of this website there is still that gap between religion and the LGBT community.

Works Cited

Ring, T. (2012, December 6). Mormon Church Launches Website Aimed at Gays. Retrieved January 2, 2013, from

Sinor, J. (2011). Out in the West: The Mormon Church is going mainstream—and leaving its gay members behind.American Scholar80(4), 76-87.

Super, J. T., & Jacobson, L. (2011). Religious Abuse: Implications for Counseling Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals. Journal Of LGBT Issues In Counseling5(3/4), 180-196. doi:10.1080/15538605.2011.632739

Walker, J. (2012, December 6). 'Stay with us,' new LDS website urges gay Mormons. Deseret News. Retrieved January 2, 2013, from

- Alexandra B

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting topic. I believe that it is absolutely essential for the church (used in the broad sense here) to open their arms to the LGBT community; however, I don't believe this website does that at all. To me it only reinforces the inane idea that sexuality is a choice. That being said, I am thankful that there is discussion occurring. I believe that being open is the first step to change.

    - Kayla T.
