Friday, October 19, 2012

Non-normative Sexualities in Europe

   The term “queer” has only come into the English language recently and is finally becoming more publicized. In early European societies people who would today be called “queer” were called people with non-normative sexualities. They were not normal, according to what the social norm was, which is how the term “queer” was derived. It means odd, weird, different, not normal. Over time more people have become more comfortable with coming out with their true sexuality. It has been a long struggle though through the times for people to become comfortable enough to do this.
   In medieval times homosexual relationships were direly frowned upon. The term homosexual was actually not an actual word in the English language until 1892 (Boston: Twayne, 1987). According to the Christian church the only kind of sexual intercourse was between a married couple and it had to lead to procreation, and only if you did not enjoy it too much. Any other kind of sexual relations were deemed as bad (London: Longmans, Green, 1955).
   Overall early European societies were not as accepting and open as we are today to people being different or "queer". It took time but luckily people are finally starting to feel able to come out with who they are, what their sexuality really is. I wish this could have happened from the beginning because this added stress of having to abide by societies norms is a horrible way to live. We still see that in our world today, but not as drastically as it was  hundreds of years ago.


Adam, Barry D. The Rise of a Gay and Lesbian Movement. Boston: Twayne, 1987.

Bailey, Derrick Sherwin. Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition. Hamden, CT: Archon, 1975.

Bray, Alan. Homosexuality in Renaissance England. London: Gay Men's, 1982.


  1. I would say that the issue of your sexuality was so strict back then was because religion. Religion was all people needed to rely on, and that is how they based their every day lives. The BIble was very clear in stating certain rules and laws the righteous man should live by. However, as centuries passed religions began to change (you have Martin Luther and King Henry VIII to thank for that). I am quite content that society has changed their views on sexuality, mostly because of their change on religious views. In today's society it is about what the people want, not what someone else wants for them. This can be considered a good thing, like on this topic for example. My best friend from home is gay and I am so happy that he can be who he wants, without being judged or mistreated. He is accepted in society for who he is, and hopefully everyone around the world can as well.

  2. "Queer" is a term that at one time was looked at in a negative way, but is now being "taken back" and embraced by many in the LGBT community. Look at many of the t.v shows that use LGBT hosts such as Queer eye for the straight guy, and the term is being turned around and used with pride.
